Play-Based Experiences

About Us
Wentworth Preschool & Long Day Care is a community based not for profit preschool administered by a Volunteer Management Committee with daily operations managed by the Centre Director. Our primary aim is to provide a high quality preschool program that meets the diverse and changing needs of our local community.
We believe that all children can be successful, competent and capable learners and we offer children opportunities to learn and make sense of their world through a play-based curriculum. We aim to instil in all children a positive sense of self and a desire for lifelong learning.
We offer many opportunities for open ended exploration and participation. Our learning programs are based on the children’s individual abilities and interests. We encourage children to contribute to their own learning experiences by sharing their ideas and interest with our educators and each other. This way we can work together to assist the children to grow and discover their potential as independent lifelong learners.
Our early childhood educators create stimulating and nurturing environments that encourage self confidence, imagination and respect for self and others. Our educators aim to build strong relationships with families as we work in partnership to provide the best quality care and education for the children.
Play-Based Experiences
We provide the highest quality care and education where children have the opportunity to learn through a play-based, pedagogical centre practice.
The value of play gives our centre children the opportunity to learn and develop their identity and wellbeing, their literacy and language, their physical, social and emotional skills, their cognitive skills and connect to the world around them. These areas also help children to achieve a smooth and positive transition to school.

Examples of Play-Based Experiences
Sensory experiences - Play-dough, Clay, Kinetic sand, shaving cream etc.
Painting, Drawing, collage and box construction
Block Play
Natural Resources – rocks, wool animals, pine cones, shells etc.
Manipulative puzzle and game play
Home Corner
Sandpit play
Climbing equipment and bikes
Music and Rhythm
Book Corner